


Days 19

31th March, Thursday. At last, this month reached at the end all the way. Near by Asagaya station, there is one restaurant that sells whole chickens. Today I saw the advertisement that they sells whole chickens cheaper than usual for a hal…

Days 18

30th March, Wednesday. I went to the barber, and cut my hair and shaved my chin all over. Then I took the train down to Nishi-Shinjuku. There is my favorite record shop called Barn Homes. I went in and had conversations with them about the…

Days 17

29th March, Tuesday. As the weather forecast said, it was getting warmer little by little. The sky was clear. But we still have worried about the situation where now we are. I remember one song of Carnation (a Japansese band). It said "I m…

Days 16

28th March, Monday. We got a news about cherry blossoms was begning to bloom. However, we haven't see any flowers of cherry blossoms in our neighborhood, maybe somewhere we could see some soon. People in the East of Japan, they are so exha…

Days 15 (2000)

27th March, Sunday. Cold but sunny day. Today is the 2000 day of my blog. Starting from Oct. 2005. I keep writing this everyday. I made a second millennium anniversary CD-R for today. I don't know if you like it or not. Those are strictly …

Days 14

March 26th, Saturday. Cold and strong wind. I had to go to Udagawa-cho, Shibuya in the afternoon. I saw many people but not many as usual. We had so much stress unconsciously. This whole town seemed like a less livelier party after losing …

Days 13

Sorry! Today, Japanese only. =================================== 4月9日の土曜日、 DJをします。 「GARDEN」 4/9(土)@恵比寿tenement 東京都渋谷区恵比寿2-39-4 (TEL : 03-3440-6771) 20:00 - 26:00 charge free…

Days 12

24th March, Thursday. Was it a sunny day? Was is Spring? I would write one article for magazine in the morning. But it was abit harder for me than before. In fact, it was the very first writing work for me after the earthquake. I had to ke…

Days 11

23th March, Wednesday. It was sanny day, but in the evening clouds appeared and had a little rain in Shibuya. I bought a manga "Ohkiku Furikabutte" Volume 16. I used to read this baseball manga but today I couldn't set my mind on it. I thi…

Days 10

22th March, Tuesday. Cloudy, little rain. I want you to knwo a truly unique female singer, Jun Nagami. Her pseudonym is Madame Guitar. I didn't know that she had moved to Fukushima Prefecture recently. She lives there with her husband Akih…

Days 9

21th March, Monday, Vernal Equinox holiday, a rainy day. In the morning, I found something under the frame of the window. That was my cat's vomit. My cat, Penko, he never vomit what he had eaten. We were so surprised to see that. And then,…

Days 8

20th March, Sunday. Second say of three holidays in a row. Today I got an e-mail from one of my friends, Hajime Ishizaka. I will introduce his mail instead of my everyday thought. Please read below. * * * * * To our friends who believ…

Days 7

19th March, Saturday. Warmer. In Shibuya, there were an appealing demonstration for Tohoku by Yuya Uchida (a famous musician, 71 years old) and I went there to catch a glance. Just after opening my record store, many customers were coming …

Days 6

18th March, Friday. No wind, clear sky. Not many news from Fukushima. Not many good things, but a calm. Even if we didn't know the truth, but a calm. Because of yestrday's trouble, maybe we could save electricity so much today. No news abo…

Days 5

17th March, Friday. Wind blew strong. In the afternoon, I had a meeting. Then just when I was going back from Shinjuku to Shibuya, I read the news from government. There might be strong possibilities about a sudden and big blackout in Toky…

Days 4

15th March, Tuesday. The day after arrival. I called a person who had offered me some writing works. I was already late for that. But he said "You know, this is so unstable here that you should not be in a hurry right now. But please do it…

Days 3

On 14th March, at Narita airport, I heard two young men talking. "Today is White Day, isn't it? Everybody forgets it!" White Day is a diverse version of Valentine's Day (boys give back cookies to girls) in Japan. Yes! Yes it was! I thought…

Days 2

I was still in Seattle airport on 13th March in USA. I saw PC news in the airport, also read Japansese newspaper inside the plane. It seemed like everything gone bad. But here was only one thing could be soothing me. That is, I could go ba…

Days 1

From today, I will start writing this weblog in English as well as Japanese. For my friends who live in foreign countries, I want to tell how I feel now and how I am going to feel as possible. My English writings are not so well though, I …


すでにお気づきのかたもいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、 今、ぼくは日本にいません。 アメリカ西海岸にいます。 レコードの買付で 大江田さんとふたり 10日ほど前から来ていました。 最初にニュースを知ったのは 2日前でした。 こちらの時間で3月10日の22時…


結局ほとんど眠れなかった。 事情があって 今ぼくは 東京にいないし まだ数日帰れない。 ツマも家を留守にしていて 安否こそ早々に確認出来たものの 家に帰り着いたのはもう真夜中だったようだ。 家ではスリープにしてあるはずの ツマのPCのスカイプが まだ…


日記の日付は3月10日だが 今は本当は3月11日の夜で、 10日と11日では 世界が別のものになってしまった。 ツマは無事だと連絡がとれた。 大丈夫、落ち着いている。 弟も友人たちも無事だった。 頭がごちゃごちゃしているし 心臓もばくばくしっぱなしだけれど …


日本公開よりもすこし早く コーエン兄弟の新作「トゥルー・グリット」を見た。 小林信彦さんも褒めていた 蒼井優に似た主役の女の子も確かによかったけど、 片目で酔いどれの保安官を演じた ジェフ・ブリッジズが なんともいえぬ良い存在感。 ちょっと前に友…

He loves Sanitizer

アメリカの(駄)菓子のことを続けて書いていたら 友人から妙なリクエストのメールが届いた。 「私の大好きなハンド・サニタイザーのことも書いてくださいよ」 どうして彼の好きなものを書かなくてはいけないのか 思わず苦笑してしまったが おもしろいので話…

I love Tic Tac

m&m'sのことを昨日書いているときに ほかにもアメリカのお菓子で 好きなものがあるじゃないかと心の声がした。 そう言えば 昔、アルトイズのことも書いたしな。 今日紹介したいのは Tic Tac! コンビニや空港の売店、 スーパーのレジ脇、 とにかく アメリカ…


日本にいるときはそうでもないんだが、 アメリカにいると m&m'sのチョコを無性にむさぼりたくなる。 明け方に目が覚めて 朝食までまだ間があるなと思うと ついつい手が伸びる。 袋が空いているのは 昨日 お酒のつまみにしていたからだ。 日本では見かけない …


実は「英国王のスピーチ」は すこし前に飛行機のなかで見た。 日本語吹替が いかにも急ごしらえな感じでなじめなかったが、 かと言って キングス・イングリッシュも理解しやすいとは言えないので チャンネルを英語と日本語で交互に変えながら。 映画の筋とは…


映画「英国王のスピーチ」を見た。 20世紀前半のイギリスが舞台ということで 時代考証を徹底した美術や調度品の用意が半端ない。 当時の 壮麗さとくすんだ美しさが同居する イギリスの雰囲気を見せつけた映画としては ロバート・アルトマンの晩年の傑作のひ…


今日は謝罪。 昨日触れた 小林じんこの新刊「JUNKIN' GAP CLASH」、 タイトルを間違って書いておりました(すでに修正済み)。 いやしかし、 これは地雷踏むでしょ。 「JUMPIN' JACK FLASH」とは言わないまでも (そのFとCを取り違えたわけですが) きみは早…


松永良平の仕事ブログ「仕事しろよ」でも報告したのですが、 あらためてこちらでも。 敬愛するイルリメこと鴨田潤。 シンガー・ソングライターとしてリリースする ファースト・フル・アルバム「一」に ライナーノーツを書いたのですが(光栄!)、 その抜粋…